Shipmates Killed on D-Day
Whose Names Are on the Wall of the Missing
at the Omaha Beach Cemetery in Normandy

Above: Omaha Beach American Cemetery, Normandy, France

From the Wall of the Missing
"USS Corry" appears added to the photograph to help identify the Corry shipmates' names

Below: Orilien Beaudry, Jr.  and Norman Bensman

Below: William H. Braunwarth and Auvergne S. Breault

Below: John Chombor

Below: Stephen V. Figura, Jr.  and Dana E. Fogg

Below: James E. Gearhart

Below: Richard E. McClyment

Below: John T. Newmyer

Below: Gerald F. Pahl

Below: Joseph Radzinski

Below: Paul E. Stambaugh

Below: Barely visible -- Charles Baker,  Steward's Mate 2C,  USNR,   DC

Photos: Thanks to Carolyn Fogg for providing these images to the Corry website.

USS Corry DD-463 home page