(email: t l g 5 7 1 9 @ s h e n t e l . n e t )

Read the first-hand D-Day account of
Ernie (Sandy) McKay
Machinist Mate, 2nd class USS Corry (DD-463)

Read the first-hand D-Day account of
Chet Furtek
Seaman, 2nd class, USS Corry (DD-463)
Read the first-hand D-Day account of
Robert F. Miller
Chief Water Tender, USS Corry (DD-463)

Read the first-hand D-Day account of
Dale Howard
Quartermaster, 1st class, USS Corry (DD-463)

Read the first-hand D-Day account of
Mort Rubin
CIC Officer, USS Corry (DD-463)

Read the first-hand D-Day account of
Howard Andersen, M.D.
Ship's Doctor, USS Corry (DD-463)
(*Awarded the Bronze Star Medal for heroic

Read the first-hand D-Day account of
Jake Henson
Officer, USS Corry (DD-463)
Read the first-hand D-Day account of
Paul N. Garay
Officer, USS Corry (DD-463)
(*Awarded the Bronze Star Medal for heroism in combat*)

View the D-Day Navy Cross Citation for
Lieutenant (jg) John Oliver Parrot
Officer, USS Corry (DD-463)
(*Awarded the Navy Cross for extraordinary heroism in combat*)
No D-Day account available.
Below are remarks by family and
friends of USS Corry shipmates.
Richard Andersen (email: Richard.Andersen@childrenshc.org)
I am the
son of Dr. Howard Andersen, who was the ship’s doctor and a survivor of the
sinking of the U.S.S. Corry on D-Day. My dad has written a memoir of the
events for the Dept. of Navy and has in recent years attended the reunions
of the shipmates that take place every autumn. His recounting of events is
an interesting saga that I know he would be happy to send to you. The
gatherings of these men have been remarkable and unique, and I have had the
privilege of attending all that my dad has attended. The uniqueness beyond
the fact of being war buddies I think derives in large measure from the
sudden destruction of their floating residence, the immediate relocation of
the survivors to various other sites, and the profound emotion of
reconnection decades after the fact. Several with whom I have spoken
describe their awareness of impending death as they were in the third hour
of floating in the freezing water. They have lived with the gusto of people
given a second chance at life, and have savored reuniting with their mates.
I share
Tom Brokaw’s assessment of this generation. As I tell my children, the hinge
on which the entire 20th century turns is World War II, and the pivotal
event of that war is D-Day. To get a glimpse of the heroic and sacrificial
essence of this generation, look carefully at D-Day.
Lois Hoffman
On June
6, 1980, I went back to Normandy with my late husband, George Hoffman, who
was captain of the USS Corry when it sank on D-Day. We went with some of
the Corry crewmen out on a minesweeper to drop flowers in the water
over the actual ship, and that was quite an experience. And they had brought
the old flag, which had been all shot up. It was an occasion that you just
wouldn’t believe.
Phyllis Fiordelisi
When we
took our first trip to Normandy in 1980, my husband had a very moving
experience. At a museum there, he found a dog tag he made when he was an
electrician aboard the USS Corry. But he left in a locker when the ship
went down on June 6, 1944, and many years later, divers brought it back up.
The people at the museum told him he could take it home, but he decided to
leave it. He never really told me much about what happened the morning the
ship was lost, but it had an impact on him. Every Memorial Day, he would go
to church and write the "Lost men of the USS Corry" on a mass card.
he has been gone for 15 years, I still attend the Corry reunions every year
because we are a very tight-knit group. And it’s very encouraging to see all
the sons, daughters, and grandchildren who come. I hope that they will stay
interested because I think it’s important for them understand what this
event meant to their fathers and mothers.
Carolyn Fogg (email: rexfogg@yahoo.com)
husband, Dan was just over 1 year old on June 6, 1944. His mother got the
telegram on June 17th while she was visiting her family in Tomahawk,
Wisconsin. Dan’s father, Dana Fogg was missing and presumed killed. Hazel,
Dan’s mother really didn’t know much about what happened and for years they
presumed that most of the crew had been killed. I met him in 1966 and one of
the first things he told me was about his father. Life stayed the same until
1985 when his mother passed away and that is when we discovered the trunk in
the attic. This trunk contained all of his dad’s letters, all of the
correspondence from the Navy, including the telegram and a letter from
Captain Hoffman. That indeed was a great find. The letters gave us insight
into what Dana was like and they also told us what he thought about his
little boy.
The next
big breakthrough was in 1990 when we found out about the reunions of the
U.S.S Corry. Meeting the crew and receiving all of the information about
what happened, has given new meaning to our lives and in particular has
helped Dan to deal with never getting to know his father. This wonderful
group of people, this Corry family, has opened their hearts to us. I always
knew we could not have changed what happened on June 6, 1944, but with
meeting this wonderful group of people, we didn’t have to let Dana’s memory
Grosso (email: grosso@stargate.net)
My dad,
John Vozel, was a sailor during WWII and was on the destroyer, USS Corry
DD-463. His ship was sunk on D-Day when it hit a mine. Fortunately, my dad
was in the Naval hospital with pneumonia at the time so he was not on the
ship. The sailor that was at his battle station did not survive. For about
20 years my parents have been going to the annual reunion of the men who
served on this ship. I started going with them 4 years ago when my dad was
unable to drive and I hosted a reunion in Washington, PA in 2000, which is
where I live. Words cannot express the feeling one gets from being in the
presence of these courageous men. The camaraderie that exists among them is
so strong and long-lasting. At each reunion they hold a memorial service to
remember, by name, the 24 men by name who died when the ship was hit. I'm so
glad that our nation is finally honoring the great men and women who served
during WWII. It's sad that it took so long and that so many of those who
survived aren't here to be acknowledged.
Bertrand SCIBOZ (email: bertrand.sciboz@ceresm.com)
Hello, i
am the french underwater explorer who found the first, the rest of USS
Corry, and work with NGS (National Geographic Society) on the article. I was
the first as well who found, and dove on the YMS 304. One of my old friend
fisherman here, was there when the YMS hit a mine, and he rescued two people
floatting on a part of the wreck. One of those soldier was a very strong man
and he had his back broken during the explosion. My old friend would be very
pleased to find if anyone got information about this man. Anyway if i can
help any survivors or veterans, send me an email, it will be a pleasure.
Bertrand SCIBOZ